Sunday, September 23, 2012

More random pictures :D

hehe toooo much cooofffeeeeee...(two years ago, womans pool party)

I'm learning to levitate...

So much for my breakfast :{...

I wish I knew how to rotate this...awkward...o_O

last year CYT production! (Christian youth theater) Man look how long Kara's hair is!!

Just an old reminder....of the side effects of getting kicked in the face Dx.

YAY BROKEN NOSES! (Just kidding don't ever let it happen to you...)

I whip my hair back in forth...;D (picture two years old )
 These are Just some old pictures I dug up on my computer that I thought were kinda amusing :D...I'll have more recent pictures of Calvary Chapels first concert event up soon :)4

Philippians 2:15-16

15 that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, 16 holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain. <33

Monday, September 17, 2012

Chemistry+ Annie=blowingyourmind


So I painted my face blue...I was reading Chemistry...and then...i decided to do this. Yup...don't judge me ;)
Here is a random blog post...about random things that make me happy...with pictures....cuz would be boring :D....the first thing i really like...iiizzzzz...goin to the lake with Jack in the fall==>


friends ( and anime ;)

my combat boots...
unusual photo-shop jobs...


houses that look like instraments...

thanksgiving leftovers...

and light...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The other night
I had a dream
It was a world full of kings and queens
But it was cold
Dark as the night
We were the fire on the moonlit skies

We weren't divided
We were the same
And we were free
But we all wore chains
We couldn't see it
But we created
A place between truth and overrated

If I could just see it all
Just like a fly on the wall
Would I be able to accept what I can't control?
And would I share what I saw?
Or just sit back and ignore
Like nothing never happened,
I haven't seen you before?

I'm on the run from a thief
I let into my head
I know, I hold the keys, so don't be scared
When I turn and shout:

I don't think I need you anymore
Take your words, and your lies and just beat it!
I don't think I need you anymore
Take the hurt and the pain, I don't need it!

I wanna live, I wanna be the change
We can all be kings and queens
If we can just learn to believe
If we can just learn to believe

We had a plan to build a wall
A great divide that would never fall
To separate us
From all the pain
And keep our skeletons locked away
[ Lyrics from: ]
And brick by brick
We built it so thick
That it blacked out the sky and all the sunlight
And one by one
We all became numb
We were making the bullets to a broken gun

If I could just see it all
Just like a fly on the wall
Would I be able to accept what I can't control?
And would I share what I saw?
Or just sit back and ignore
Like nothing never happened
And I haven't seen you before?

I'm on the run from a thief
I let into my head
I know, I hold the keys, so don't be scared
When I turn and shout:

I don't think I need you anymore
Take your words, and your lies and just beat it!
I don't think I need you anymore
Take the hurt and the pain, I don't need it

I wanna live, I wanna be the change
We can all be kings and queens
If we can just learn to believe
If we can just learn to believe

I don't think I need you anymore
Take your words, and your lies and just beat it!
I don't think I need you anymore
Take the hurt and the pain, I don't need it!

I wanna live, I wanna be the change
We can all be kings and queens
If we can just learn to believe
If we can just learn to believe...

~Thousand Foot Krutch <333333333

If they all didn't build their walls so thick, brick by brick...we wouldn't have to except that we can't reach every single one of the lost people who are free but choose to wear their chains. We have to except what we can't control...and look forward to being kings and queens because we chose to believe. 

We don't need the worlds lies anymore...we don't need their words...we don't need the hurt and the pain that is disguised as something appealing to us. We are the change, and we are in the war of change until the very end when we will receive our crowns. <33

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

 yaaaaay Ke$ha makeup!! I put a ton of black eyeliner and eyeshadow...with tons of glitter on my eye area...then i sprayed myself in the face with a hose. Lol just kidding this was done on purpose...but that first story is believable by the looks of the outcome huh?
 I love to snuggle with Jack...Jack is not amused...
 Rapture? =}

Two little monkeys on a bed ;)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

So here is the latest for Annie's life lately...hope i don't bore you to death. If I do...I cannot be held accountable. :{

(Order as seen in pictures from top to bottom...yup)

Been obsessed with a fantastic anime series called School rumble...even though the third season was cancelled due to the dramatic loss in sales after japan started pirating the first few episodes. I may never forgive Japan :|

haha jk...maybe.

The second picture always makes me makes the availability of this picture necessary to keep on my person at all times.

The fourth picture also ALWAYS makes me smile x)...only I don't need to look at the picture when the actual mammoth like beast is taking up my entire carpet in my bedroom :).

The fourth picture is me...duh.
I went to a dressy event at my church...I wore my combat boots with my pearls ;).

And that last picture....heh heh ehhe...weeeell that was my last trip to the filling broke on my tooth. I've got to stop wrestling bears...I won the match...of course, but there's always collateral damage :/

Oh and my dentist is really sweet...and small talk is easy with the hygienists...real nice girls...but being flossed by them...Is kinda like being part of a SAW film. BLOODY AND FILLED WITH PAIN THAT YOU DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR.

Have a nice day! :)

oh and I started soccer it to death only I don't have any pics of that sure to get some soon though...hopefully injury related :).

Oh...and one more thing! haha this post will never end.


Yes combat boots are a must ;}

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mascarade Ball

Hello! This is a pic from the Masacarade ball I recently went to :) On the far left is kara, then Renne, then me in the middle, then Crystal, Then nadia at the end holding the peace sign :)  I danced for 4 hours with NO BREAK! The first time i tried for a break I was pulled out again by a mom, and then i tried to have a break after that, but they were play'n one of my fav i HAD to dance that despite the fact that my feet felt as if the tendons were about to snap and rol- never mind...they just really hurt. But all in all it was alot of fun :)
