Tuesday, April 24, 2012

So here is the latest for Annie's life lately...hope i don't bore you to death. If I do...I cannot be held accountable. :{

(Order as seen in pictures from top to bottom...yup)

Been obsessed with a fantastic anime series called School rumble...even though the third season was cancelled due to the dramatic loss in sales after japan started pirating the first few episodes. I may never forgive Japan :|

haha jk...maybe.

The second picture always makes me smile...school makes the availability of this picture necessary to keep on my person at all times.

The fourth picture also ALWAYS makes me smile x)...only I don't need to look at the picture when the actual mammoth like beast is taking up my entire carpet in my bedroom :).

The fourth picture is me...duh.
I went to a dressy event at my church...I wore my combat boots with my pearls ;).

And that last picture....heh heh ehhe...weeeell that was my last trip to the dentist...my filling broke on my tooth. I've got to stop wrestling bears...I won the match...of course, but there's always collateral damage :/

Oh and my dentist is really sweet...and small talk is easy with the hygienists...real nice girls...but being flossed by them...Is kinda like being part of a SAW film. BLOODY AND FILLED WITH PAIN THAT YOU DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR.

Have a nice day! :)

oh and I started soccer again...love it to death only I don't have any pics of that yet...be sure to get some soon though...hopefully injury related :).

Oh...and one more thing! haha this post will never end.


Yes combat boots are a must ;}

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