Wednesday, January 26, 2011

wednsday the 26th

So I went in for my nose job surgery thingy 2day...I've learned a few things about surgeries.

1.) Anesthesia gives the best sleep EVER!
2.) I HATE... IV's....they hurt and they make my arm feel weird.
3.) If you have muscle, you shake VIGOROUSLY when you wake up from the anesthesia. I will not tell you if I shook or not...I'll just...let you decide. :|
4.) I can rock the blue hair cap look.
5.) playing with your breathing monitor makes me laugh...but the doctors don't like it :-S. ( when u hold ur breath...u start to flat line...and when u breath really fast, it beeps rapidly...and when you wiggle your pointer finger really quickely, the little line on the thing goes all ZIG-ZAGGY on times :).
6.) The actual anesthisia is VERY cold and runny when its spilled all over you.
7.) You don't remmember the point when you actually fall asleep...But when you wake up, you wish u hadn't.
8.) You DO dream when you're asleep... I drempt of: Crystal, Kara, and Nadia...but for some reasons I just saw their faces...(I will not specify on wether that means its a nightmare, or just weird). I drempt of zombies...and right before I opened my eyes again...I drempt I saw Jesus. :)
9.) And Nose braces are surprisingly comfortable...EXCEPT FOR WHEN YOU SNEEZE!!!!

Also... according to my first words when I woke up were:
"I think I can go to church."
"I had dreams"
"I think I want to be an anestisiologist when i grow up i'm...(three minutes later after falling asleep mid sentence)...understanding science more and I like it."
and that pretty much sums it up. :| 
So with, that I bid u all adue...and from now on...I will be carefull not to break anymore bones and watch where i'm going and who I'm playing around... 

BA-HA HA HA HA!!! I'm just kidding you guys should know me by now :D :D :D ;D

"And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying; and there shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away."
Revelation 21:4

3 days after accident

day before surgury.

day after surgury

Get well soon flowers from Crystal.

Day after nose brace comes off...(present) :D!
Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.
      - 1 Peter 3:3-4
Annie :}


  1. Glad to know that you are feeling better. YAY!! On a totally random note - DID YOU KNOW that you can feed the fish in your tank (on the right) by clicking the mouse in the box!! Woah. . . I totally wasted like 15 minutes watching them until I realized I was wasting time, which took another 5 minutes to realize, so technically it was 20? Anywho!!!! Glad you are feeling better <3 BLESSINGS!!

  2. LOL yea i know...thats why i added those fish...and might i ask which one of my friends you are...u didn't sign. :( and thanku... i am feeling better on and off. had a bad headache last night but thats expected :D

  3. It's Tim, a/k/a Mrs. Crumpton, a/k/a Sandy, a/k/a Bumpkin - shall I go on?

  4. ps - don't be surprised if your virtual fish get virtually fat..... it's addicting feeding them =}

  5. LOLOLOL!!! OK...u just made me laugh so hard i thought my nose was gunna fall off! :Du know i think the orange one has gotten bigger lol.
