Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ode to Bacon. :P

hello all! Please enjoy my latest poem. 

Oh my bacon!
you are the best!
untill I find thee,
I shall not rest!
With taste so great,
and smell so sweet,
Its a wonder you are the best meat.

When you are raw
you tempt me so!
and when your cooking,
I have to go.
cuz if I take you off the pan,
my mom will stop to spank my hand.

You drip with grease,
and sizzle divine,
you better watch out,

On any sandwhich,
you I'd eat,
In place of any sandwhich meat.

If you were a danzel in distress,
to climb the tower, I'd do my best,
I'd stand heroic, and as you'd swoon,
I'd take my fork, and then eat you!

Some drink soda,
and some drink tea,
but bacon juice is the drink for me.

Your salty flavor 
is so rare,
chocolate? chips? 
I couldn't care!

So if you fry,
bacon three,
I'll share one with you,
If there's two left for me

Thanks for reading!

Psalm 27:14 Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!



  1. That is one of the best poems I have ever read. :D

  2. Love it!!! They guy's will have to read it at Baconfest! \(^-^)/

    Drat, now I'm craving BLT's <3

  3. ha ha! yea i could totally see them reading poems at bacon fest! lol...yea right...and yea, i want a BLT too! :D

  4. I'll take a BLT minus the LT! :D

  5. LOLOL! yes i agree...btw, I found bacon flavored gum!! and it was only $3.50 :D :D :D! happiness!
