Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesdays just aren't good days :|


   Ah yes...the end of another Tuesday. I HATE TUESDAYS! Not so much because of what Tuesday has planed, but more because of what Its saying. What? You have no idea what I'm talking about?! Well allow me to further explain by saying that Tuesday is a MEAN DAY! Its all like..."Yaay, I'm not Monday anymore...and yet...I'm not Wednesday either!" Which basically interprets to, "I'm not the beginning of the school week...but u can't quite say that you're half way through"! So if you still don't understand what I'm trying to say...then all you really need to know is...ITS PERSONAL! Anyways, here are some pics from previous Tuesdays that still haunt me...its just not a good day...or is it?

This last one is my fav! =D

"Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love.” – 1 Corinthians 16:13-14


  1. I think Tuesday isn't happy becaue it really wanted to be "two" day's and totally messed the spelling up, and got the s in the wrong place to boot! >sigh< - so don't be to hard on Tuesday - it just got up on the wrong side of it's day.......yeah.

  2. i think there all creepy jk lol but yeah i like the choking kara one the best

  3. LOL ok i'll try to forgive tuesday for being so...tuesday-ish...and yes i've gotten many words to describe me and Kara...creepy being one of them lol. :D
