Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mascarade Ball

Hello! This is a pic from the Masacarade ball I recently went to :) On the far left is kara, then Renne, then me in the middle, then Crystal, Then nadia at the end holding the peace sign :)  I danced for 4 hours with NO BREAK! The first time i tried for a break I was pulled out again by a mom, and then i tried to have a break after that, but they were play'n one of my fav i HAD to dance that despite the fact that my feet felt as if the tendons were about to snap and rol- never mind...they just really hurt. But all in all it was alot of fun :)


Saturday, March 12, 2011


Yaaay! So last Saturday I went to see the play Aladdin by CYT (Christian Youth theater). Now I shouldn't really have to emphasize on the fact that it was awesome, because you can clearly tell that it was a great show judging by the picture above. Come on! We're standing next to a princes, a genie, and the Guy who had a Disney movie named after him. ( That's not actually the guy... yea) Sooo anywho it was fantastic and the kids are really talented. Their next show is called Suesical, which is a Singy-er and less silly version of 'Horton hears a who', which I hear is really great. After we saw the show, we went to this awesome pizza place and ordered...well pizza. I hadn't eaten all day...and Kara got sick and left without eating I happily filled in for her and ate her pieces. I won't tell you how many pieces I ate...for the sake of my pride and dignity...and sorry I can't remember the name of the place...but I know its in Short Pump!...yea thats helpful. Oh and Kara turned out to just be nauseous from taking Advil on an empty stomach to get rid of her headache.Smart girl. (luv u kara) So sorry I havn't posted in a while, but my next post should be comming much sooner. :) PEACE! 
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man should hear my voice and open the door, I will come in."
Rev. 3:20

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Annoying orange!

Good morning!!! This is just a random video that always makes me laugh...(and crave various fruits) So enjoy!


Atime to weep, and a time to laugh A time to mourn, And a time to dance.
-Ecclesiastes 3:4

Friday, February 11, 2011



I realize that posting this at night and saying good morning in German is relatively senseless...but its my blog, so AHAA! Anywho! This is one of my FAVORITE flyleaf songs...I'm probably going to use the word FAVORITE for most of the songs I upload...but this one reeeally is fantastic! If you want to know the interpretation of the song, read below. If you just like good music, don't bother to read, and just enjoy the song! :D

At the start I will say that this song is sad...but this band sings about real life stories and circumstance that happen to them along their christian walk; whether its witnessing to someone, or down right professing the truth.
I'm going to explain the lyrics, because most people who listen to this song with me don't understand the song because of the poetic imagery Lacy Moseley (song writer) uses to describe the situation the person in this song is in.
The lyrics themselves explain a story about a person who is abused, both physically and emotionally. The part of the song where it says "dressed up like a car crash, your wheels are turning but your upside down" basically describes the persons life as a mess, and she's alive but numb. The part of the song where it says, “Vampire or a victim, it depends on who’s around.” means that the person acts differently according to her surroundings. “If you look, you look through me. And when you talk, its not to me. And when I touch you, you don’t feel a thing.” is going on to talk about the depression making the person numb. The chorus then goes on to say, "If I could stay, then the night would give you up, stay, then the day would keep its trust. Stay, and the night would be enough" is the singer (Lacey Mosley) saying that she wants to be there for her when she needs comfort...all she has to do is stay with her. The rest of the lyrics talk about how the singer (Lacey) tells the person that she’ll be there for them, if only they reach out for help.However the song makes it clear that this person is numb to the love around them because they are so close to the fear and sin they've been exposed to. “If you listen, I can call...If you jump, you just might fall...and if you shout, I’ll only hear you." Then, the very end, the person in the song, is the angel Lacey is singing about. “As an angel runs to ground, just a bang, and a clatter, as an angel hits the ground." The song was written because she was not able to save the persons physical body, however she was able to show the person Jesus, who ultimately saved their soul.

Is any among you suffering? let him pray. Is any cheerful? let him sing praise. 
-James 5:13 

Playing God

Hey guys! 

     I love this song! Its by one of my favorite bands, and its called "Playing God". Now before you say anything about the title, let me first explain to you what the meaning is behind the song. The line in the song that actually uses the phrase in the title says, "If Gods the game that you're play'n then we must get more acquainted, because it has to be so lonely to be the only one who's holy." And in that line she's explaining how lonely and miserable a life will be when you're are your own idol and you fail to acknowledge the fact that there is a much bigger and important picture. (That picture being a true God). The chorus is one of my favorite parts however. "I know you won't believe me, but the way I (way I) see it, the next time you point a finger I might have to bend it back or break it break it off! the next time you point a finger, i'll point you to the mirror." Which is basically just a personal spin on..."Why don't you take the plank out of your eye before you go looking for specks in mine!" Anyway, enjoy this song! Its great!

"And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?"
-Mathew 7:3

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesdays just aren't good days :|


   Ah yes...the end of another Tuesday. I HATE TUESDAYS! Not so much because of what Tuesday has planed, but more because of what Its saying. What? You have no idea what I'm talking about?! Well allow me to further explain by saying that Tuesday is a MEAN DAY! Its all like..."Yaay, I'm not Monday anymore...and yet...I'm not Wednesday either!" Which basically interprets to, "I'm not the beginning of the school week...but u can't quite say that you're half way through"! So if you still don't understand what I'm trying to say...then all you really need to know is...ITS PERSONAL! Anyways, here are some pics from previous Tuesdays that still haunt me...its just not a good day...or is it?

This last one is my fav! =D

"Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love.” – 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Piano! Piano!

Piano! Piano! Black and white!
When i play you i could take flight!
Across the oceans and into the hearts,
of all those who love the arts!
When i play a "C" i'm filled with glee!
No, no one could trifel with thee!
The picture you paint in the minds of all
could fill all of the ocean! Bach saw the
greatness in you and played with much devotion!
You speak with joy, and love, and passion, and
somtimes you are sad. But when i play your lovely
tune i can't help but feel glad!
But for now i say goodnight for i must go away,
but do not worry piano dear another day i'll play!

                                              ---By Kara L. Nigro

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ode to Bacon. :P

hello all! Please enjoy my latest poem. 

Oh my bacon!
you are the best!
untill I find thee,
I shall not rest!
With taste so great,
and smell so sweet,
Its a wonder you are the best meat.

When you are raw
you tempt me so!
and when your cooking,
I have to go.
cuz if I take you off the pan,
my mom will stop to spank my hand.

You drip with grease,
and sizzle divine,
you better watch out,

On any sandwhich,
you I'd eat,
In place of any sandwhich meat.

If you were a danzel in distress,
to climb the tower, I'd do my best,
I'd stand heroic, and as you'd swoon,
I'd take my fork, and then eat you!

Some drink soda,
and some drink tea,
but bacon juice is the drink for me.

Your salty flavor 
is so rare,
chocolate? chips? 
I couldn't care!

So if you fry,
bacon three,
I'll share one with you,
If there's two left for me

Thanks for reading!

Psalm 27:14 Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

wednsday the 26th

So I went in for my nose job surgery thingy 2day...I've learned a few things about surgeries.

1.) Anesthesia gives the best sleep EVER!
2.) I HATE... IV's....they hurt and they make my arm feel weird.
3.) If you have muscle, you shake VIGOROUSLY when you wake up from the anesthesia. I will not tell you if I shook or not...I'll just...let you decide. :|
4.) I can rock the blue hair cap look.
5.) playing with your breathing monitor makes me laugh...but the doctors don't like it :-S. ( when u hold ur breath...u start to flat line...and when u breath really fast, it beeps rapidly...and when you wiggle your pointer finger really quickely, the little line on the thing goes all ZIG-ZAGGY on times :).
6.) The actual anesthisia is VERY cold and runny when its spilled all over you.
7.) You don't remmember the point when you actually fall asleep...But when you wake up, you wish u hadn't.
8.) You DO dream when you're asleep... I drempt of: Crystal, Kara, and Nadia...but for some reasons I just saw their faces...(I will not specify on wether that means its a nightmare, or just weird). I drempt of zombies...and right before I opened my eyes again...I drempt I saw Jesus. :)
9.) And Nose braces are surprisingly comfortable...EXCEPT FOR WHEN YOU SNEEZE!!!!

Also... according to my first words when I woke up were:
"I think I can go to church."
"I had dreams"
"I think I want to be an anestisiologist when i grow up i'm...(three minutes later after falling asleep mid sentence)...understanding science more and I like it."
and that pretty much sums it up. :| 
So with, that I bid u all adue...and from now on...I will be carefull not to break anymore bones and watch where i'm going and who I'm playing around... 

BA-HA HA HA HA!!! I'm just kidding you guys should know me by now :D :D :D ;D

"And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying; and there shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away."
Revelation 21:4

3 days after accident

day before surgury.

day after surgury

Get well soon flowers from Crystal.

Day after nose brace comes off...(present) :D!
Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel— rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.
      - 1 Peter 3:3-4
Annie :}

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wednsday the 26th


So tomorrow...I'm going in for surgery to STRAIGHTEN OUT MY NOSE! Ya see, I was supposed to go in today to get it set, (straightened, set, popped, whatever tickles your peach as far as phrases go) but the Doctor told me that I had three options in getting my type of breakage fixed.

A.) Have it set immediately by having him stuff cotton covered in a numbing substance up my nose, so that he can put in metal prongs to move my nose from the inside. Or he would do it the old fashioned way and hold my face in his hands and use his THUMBS to CRACK it back in place. :> Either way, it would be VERY painful, and he said this process has caused previous patients (he specified by using football players as an example) to CRY!!!

B.) Go under with anesthesia and have them surgically go in and do the same process only I won't feel the pain.

C.) Wait six months for it to heal crooked completely, then go in for a nose job. Ha! yea right.

So I chose option B...considering he made sure I understood that it hurts alooot. :( So tommorrow...I am going in for surgery...(and its in the morning to...great) and they're gunna straighten me untill my eyes bleed. (litterally I'm gunna look like a racoon :D :D :D ) yaaay!

For faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony
Hebrews 11:1-2

Annie 'O_O'

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Friday the 21st

Hey! its the Saturday after last Saturday!

 Which meeeeans, soccer was last night. As u  may know from reading my previous blog post, last week I got hit in my temple which caused me to get sick, and temporary blindness. Well since it turned out to be nothing too serious, I went back this week
So I was leaning in to head a ball forward, and some guy next to me tried to kick it, missed, and hit my face instead...yeeeea. Your probably thinking "OUCH!" well surprisingly, it didn't hurt. And I probobly would've kept right on playing...if it wasn't for the screaming people around me, i may not have noticed that my nose was releasing blood like niagra falls. :|
And, I suppose my brain just couldn't quite rap itself around the fact that the blood curt-ling CRRRUUNCHING sound came from my face :|
So I walked to the bathroom with my hand around my nose attempting to contain the blood pool in my palms, and when i reached the bathroom I realized my nose was totally crooked, and swollen! 
So once i took all the ice packets off my face and i looked at my surroundings, I realized I was surrounded by a little multitude of young girls cleaning my blood off the walls and floor. To give you an idea of how much blood there actually was, I'll paint you a little mental image. If you didn't know me, and you hadn't seen what happend, You would have thought someones arm was severed off right there...THATS HOW MUCH BLOOD THERE WAS! :D :D :D :D :D! But the best part was definately stepping outside the girls bathroom covered in blood and scaring everyone! it was soooo fun! They were all like, "Hey are you alri- WOA THATS ALOT OF BLOOD!" lolololOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!
In conclusion...I am no longer playing co-ed soccer!

So with that said...

Praise God it wasn't any worse!

The Lord is my stength and song, And He has become my salvation; He is my God, and I will praise Him; My father's God, and I will exalt Him.
Exodus 15:2

Annie :}

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Friday the 14th


So yesterday was Friday the 14th...almost as bad as Friday the 13th. "WHY...was your day so awful Anne?" You may ask. Well I went to an indoor soccer thing at the King William middle school out by where I live, and I had a great time!  I played well with minimum injury... that is until the LAST 2 minutes of the LAST game. I was attacking the ball and minding my own business like your regular Joe when it hit me...LITERALLY! Some guy (I won't specify names for his sake) ran into my head with some part of his body that was hard.  At first i thought it was his head...but because he so quickly asked me if I was OK (most likely because of the blood curdling cracking sound I'm sure i didn't imagine) I'm now almost sure that it was is shoulder. Any who...after regaining my vision (and stopped saying I'm fine over and over)...I began playing again. However I quickly stopped due to the swollen lump i could feel expanding on my right temple, and my shaking vision. The pain subsided within about two minutes...and i was thrilled to have a swolen face (seriously...i thought it looked awesome).
I'm now awake...and no longer hurting in every way. (fear was another thing...its amazing how much u apreciate whats around u when previously believed you'd be blind for the rest of your life.) And so, with a lot of prayer I'm OK...BUT...I DO HAVE A SWOLLEN EYE AND REDDISH PURPLE TEMPLE! 


here is a picture...the swelling had already started to go down by this point, but one eye is smaller than the other because of it.
I realize these pictures look like mugshots... but ignore that! please...please ignore that. :|

Prais ye Jehovah. Praise God in his sancutary: praise him in the firmament power.
Psalm 150:1